Concerts, theater performances, stand-up, parties, cabarets, events, conferences, educational and cultural projects, art reviews, meetings, art exhibitions — in short, “CEiIK in action”! This is the favorite motto of the Center for Education and Cultural Initiatives in Olsztyn, which each month contributes significantly to the cultural scene of the region. Its portfolio includes both small and large flagship events of national reach. For 50 years, it has been organizing the National Castle Meetings “Let’s Sing Poetry,” making Olsztyn the capital of song written in verse. It also co-organizes the largest film music festival in northeastern Poland, the Arena Film&Music Festival. Within its structure, CEiIK also operates the Warmian-Masurian Film Fund, supporting film productions, and the Warmian-Masurian Copernican Institute of Culture, focused on preserving the region’s culture and traditions.
CEiIK has its own state-of-the-art venue for hosting events, the Anna Wasilewska Auditorium in Olsztyn (Kościński Street 11), accommodating nearly 500 attendees. It guarantees top-level sound, lighting, and event production.
Looking for cultural events tailored to your interests? Make a statement and visit CEiIK! Stay up to date with the latest events on our website www.ceik.eu and on social media: FACEBOOK – Center for Education and Cultural Initiatives in Olsztyn; INSTAGRAM – ceiik_eu. See you at CEiIK! You’re warmly invited!